Ollom Art Gala!
May 9-14, 2023
Rod Love met John Ollom and Jim Sable in February 2023 during Winter Spirit Camp at Easton Mountain Retreat Center. They had come bringing the gifts of their workshops, books and artwork. They quickly connected over Rod’s artwork and invited him to exhibit some of his work at their 20th Annual Art Gala. Among things discussed was the possibility of Rod doing some live painting during the Gala, which awakened his creativity from a 2 year dormancy.
A few weeks later, in March, there was a major snowfall at Easton Mountain. Snow has always inspired Rod Love! Just the sight of snow falling puts him in a state of ecstasy, and this big snowstorm opened up his creative channels in a big way. He happened to have new canvas panels already on the new triple-panel easel he recently built, which allowed the spontaneous creation of “Winter Triplets”, which took place overnight in one session. It was a “quick birth”, and when he posted pictures and video of those new pieces on social media, John Ollom asked him to bring those panels to the Gala as well, the theme of which happened to be landscapes. Rod was thrilled!
Creative Impulses
Rod conceived another triptych to work on live during the Gala, and he was inspired to create this piece with many layers of affirmations like his other works. For a raised text in this piece, he composed a lyrical message which speaks to the healing power of creativity and references many forms of creative expression. He spent 2 months working on Creative Impulses, getting the panels ready to present and work on during the Gala. The final image will be a fantasy landscape containing all the colors of the rainbow.
Winter Triplets
One of Rod Love’s true “happy places” has always been painting landscapes. He is a nature lover and experiences ecstasy at the sight of a breathtaking view! Oceans, mountains, and forests all speak to his soul and call out to be represented in his artwork. This reflects his connection to the natural earth and its beauty. Snowscapes are especially inspiring to him. The mere sight of snow falling brings back all the wonderment and awe that he experienced as a young child. This triptych “Winter Triplets” is a truly ecstatic creation.
“Releasing” was inspired by an Autumn landscape with leaves wafting down steadily from the trees… a reminder of the power of letting go… letting go of misconceptions and self-limiting ideas… Letting go of all that stands in the way of living in truth and authenticity… Letting go of all that stands in the way of living life with the innocent joy of a wide open heart. This is another of Rod’s creations that was a “quick birth” and it is another of his works that was created in a state of bliss and ecstasy. The playful and blissful energy come through in a big way!