Art Gallery

Expressing love to the world is Rod Love Schichtel’s mission in life. Artwork is one of the most important ways he does this. Every piece is consciously imbued with love. His methods of adding messages and energy to the artwork have grown more sophisticated over the years, and he now incorporates raised text and symbols in his artwork, as well as many layers of positive messages. Even though these layers are covered over, their energy is part of the painting and they can still be seen in the video. The time lapse video of each piece also includes audio of the affirmations it contains, read by the artist. Rod Love’s artwork is intended to be an uplifting and potentially life changing experience.

Hidden Messages Series

Prior to Rod’s newest Multi-Layer work that includes time lapses, He was creating these raised-lettering pieces with uplifting poems, verses and messages.

“Gifts to the World”

Rod Love’s Multi-Layer Affirmation Series

The Time Lapse element of his method became even more significant when Rod started his multi-layer affirmation paintings since it would allow viewers to see all of the messages in each piece.

New Beginnings

This is the first piece in Rod’s Multi-Layer Affirmation series. He had been dreaming of (pregnant with) these paintings for more than a decade before he started them. This one was intentionally re-painted white after its many layers of affirmations and a raised message were on the canvas, signifying a New Beginning.

Infinite Possibilities

The second piece in the series, similar to New Beginnings, has no final image. It was intentionally painted black after the layers of affirmations and its raised message were on the canvas. This represents the void from which all things arise, thus symbolizing Infinite Possibilities.

Unity in Diversity

This is an image Rod had been imagining for many years, the color spectrum melded with the grey scale. Its affirmations are centered around Unity and Oneness as well as the beauty of the Diversity that exists.

Mindfulness and Meditation

This painting was inspired by a meditation retreat at the ocean. Mindfulness is one of the keys to happiness. Meditation is one of the keys to being more conscious in our life experience. May all beings be healthy, safe, happy and free!

Galactic Magnificence

This 3 panel piece, yet to be completed, contains many empowering affirmations. Its final image will be of our own galaxy in the center panel, surrounded by several other galaxies at greater distances. Something miraculous happened during the creation of this piece, which Rod discovered while compiling the video. Turn on the sound and watch the center of the screen to see.


This piece, and its affirmations were inspired by trees releasing their leaves in the Autumn. With most of Rod’s affirmation paintings, the paint is allowed to dry between layers. In this piece, he kept working in a nonstop flow until it was complete. He has come to refer to it as a “quick birth” when his paintings are finished in a single flow this way.


Rod painted this 3 panel piece spontaneously after a beautiful chant formed in his mind:

I am Awesome,

I am Awesome,

I am Awesome,

I am me!

He repeated this chant for hours before, and then throughout the night as he painted it.

Soon after, one of Rod’s friends who produces music created a finished song with the chant. There are now 2 versions of the song; an “original” version and a “Dance” version!

I Love My Body

Taking the best care of his physical body has been a lifelong challenge for Rod. He has been overweight most of his life, turning to food as a comfort and a distraction from traumas and the negative emotions of fear, sadness and anger. He has made repeated efforts to love his body and take care of it. He holds a vision of himself in a state of health and wellness, and persists in that vision. This painting is presently a work in progress. It’s been on hold for years, waiting to be completed. It’s final image will be a self portrait depicting his shirtless torso in a state of perfect health. For now, Rod shares the affirmations it contains so far.

Creative Impulses

Although Rod had previously imagined this Multi-Layer Affirmation Artwork series to consist of 12 panels, (as mentioned in previous videos), that has now expanded to 16! This piece was inspired in 2023 after an invitation to participate in the 20th Annual Ollom Art Gala. It marks the first time one of these paintings was worked on in public, and also the first time Rod had group participation, with many individuals in attendance giving him words that were included in the piece. It is a work in progress and the video will be updated as it is completed. Turn on the SOUND!

Peace on Earth

A future painting that Rod has conceived is a multi-layered multi-lingual piece as a prayer/vision of Peace on Earth. It will have several languages in it, each containing the same message about world peace. There will be separate layers for each language, and then a raised message will include a shorter statement in each language. The final image will be of Earth, Moon and Sun from space.